Vol. 30. Number 2 (May - August 2024)
Year - 2024 Summary 30-1 Summary 30-2 Summary 30-3
Year - 2023 Summary 29-1 Summary 29-2 Summary 29-3
The Meaning in Life as a Protective Factor Against Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multidimensional Perspective
Elena González-Perpiñá; Pilar Tormo-Irun; Verónica Guillen; Sandra Pérez; Jose H. Marco-Salvador
Ansiedad y Estrés, (2024), 30(2), 56-62
Stress and Cognitive Appraisal in University Students: Explaining Burnout Over Time
Clara Simães; Adriana Couto; Catarina Morais; A. Rui Gomes; Liliana Fontes
Ansiedad y Estrés, (2024), 30(2), 63-72
Relationship between psychological distress, eating behaviour and body fatness in university students
José Luis Pino Villalón; Paula Karina Montecino Valdebenito; Carolina Andrea Muñoz González; Belén Estefany Rojas Cabeza; Claudio Díaz Herrera; Cecilia Andrea Valenzuela Rebolledo
Ansiedad y Estrés, (2024), 30(2), 73-78
Psychobiotics: A new perspective on the treatment of stress, anxiety, and depression
Alejandro Borrego-Ruiz; Juan José Borrego García
Ansiedad y Estrés, (2024), 30(2), 79-93
Academic stress and sleep quality in university students in two latin american countries
Jhoan Sebastián Zapata-López; Kirby Gutierrez-Arce; Luis Bojórquez-Castro; Jhonatan Betancourt-Peña
Ansiedad y Estrés, (2024), 30(2), 94-101
Burnout Syndrome in Medical Oncologists and Nursing Professionals related to Cancer Management: Systematic Review
Angel Alexis Muegues-Salas; Mayte Zubillaga Páez; Rodrigo Andrés Ruiz-Lurduy; y Isadora Blanco Pérez
Ansiedad y Estrés, (2024), 30(2), 102-111
Retrospective evaluation of group psychological treatment for patients with emotional disorders in Primary Care
María José Moraga García; Nuria Martínez Aracil; María Mercedes Gómez Pérez; María Dolores Yañez de la Rosa; Sergio Pérez Belmonte; Laura Zaragoza Ferrando; Virtudes Pérez-Jover; y Carlos J. Van-der Hofstadt Román;
Ansiedad y Estrés, (2024), 30(2), 112-116
Gender Disparities and Mental Health Challenges Among Doctoral Candidates
Maider Prieto-Vila; Francisco José Estupiñá Puig; Marta Evelia Aparicio García; Álvaro Santalla; Ana Sanz; Cristina Larroy
Ansiedad y Estrés, (2024), 30(2), 117-122