Anxiety & Stress is a biannual multidisciplinary magazine that publishes articles on anxiety, stress and other related topics. It is included in the Web of Sciences and Scopus impact indices.

A and E is the official publication of the Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress (SEAS)

It is a specialized Spanish magazine that publishes articles mainly in Spanish (although they are also accepted in English), including an abstract in both Spanish and English.

It publishes theoretical works, reports of empirical works, reviews of the literature and some reviews of selected books. More than 80% of the published articles are original research papers.

Anxiety and Stress has obtained the certification of scientific excellence in accordance with the evaluation process of the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, Our journal has passed all the phases and the rigorous criteria (including the punctuality of its publication) to be selected as EXCELLENT among more than 440 Spanish journals, in the 2009 evaluation. This accreditation has been renewed for another three years in 2013.

More than 15% of the authors who publish their work on Anxiety and Stress are from other countries. See instructions for authors.

Leading international figures working in the field of anxiety and stress are members of the Editorial Board.

A double-masked (double-blind) review is carried out by two or more different anonymous experts (peer reviewers or peers), who are highly qualified experts in the area of ​​the article.

The publication dates are strictly observed: the single number (1) is published on June 1 and the double number (2-3) is published on December 1. In addition, there is a continuity in the publication of more than 26 volumes or years

Traditionally, each year, A and E are among the top positions in IN-RECS (Impact Index of Spanish Social Sciences Journals).

In our opinion, it meets all the requirements to be included in the list of "Spanish Scientific Journals with Impact", defined by the "National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity" (CNEAI).

See the quality criteria, points 5 and 6, on the publication process.

The rejection rate is over 40%. See the graph of the evolution of the rejection rate

This magazine has a large circulation (subscription, exchange) and distribution (all members of SEAS and some of the international Stress and Anxiety Research Society - STAR receive our magazine free of charge), both in print and in PDF format, and each article published since 1994 it can be purchased online.

"Anxiety and Stress" has been included in several databases and documentation centers: (a) CINDOC-IEDCYT; (b) DICE-CINDOC-ANECA; (c) PSICODOC); (d) Latindex; (e) IN-RECS; (f) PsycINFO; (g) EBSCO); (h) Elsevier Products, Scopus; (i) ERIH; (j) PILOTS; (k) Web of Sciences .. See full list of databases in which Anxiety & Stress is indexed.