Vol. 25. Number 1 (January June 2019)
Influence of the perceived emotional intelligence on the coping of the daily stress
Júlia Puigbó, Sílvia Edo, Tatiana Rovira, Joaquín T. Limonero, Jordi Fernández-Castro
Ansiedad y Estrés, 2019, 25(1), 1-6
Influence of the perceived emotional intelligence on the coping of the daily stressEffects of emotional skills training to prevent burnout syndrome in schoolteachers
Konstanze Schoeps, Alicia Tamarit, Usue de la Barrera, Remedios González Barrón
Ansiedad y Estrés, 2019, 25(1), 7-13
Effects of emotional skills training to prevent burnout syndrome in schoolteachersThe power of emotional intelligence on older adults' resilience
Juan C. Meléndez, Iraida Delhom, Encarnación Satorres
Ansiedad y Estrés, 2019, 25(1), 14-19
The power of emotional intelligence on older adults' resilienceSocial support in the relationship between perceived informal caregiver burden and general health of female caregivers
Marisol Díaz, Ana Estévez, Janire Momeñe, Nagore Ozerinjauregi
Ansiedad y Estrés, 2019, 25(1), 20-27
Social support in the relationship between perceived informal caregiver burden and general health of female caregiversThe SISCO Inventory of Academic Stress: Examination of its psychometric properties in a Peruvian sample
Denisse Manrique-Millones, Rosa Millones-Rivalles, Oscar Manrique-Pino
Ansiedad y Estrés, 2019, 25(1), 28-34
The SISCO Inventory of Academic Stress: Examination of its psychometric properties in a Peruvian sampleEffect of cognitive-emotional training on job satisfaction and burnout on nursing staff: A pilot study
Ana Rosa Plascencia-Campos, Blanca Elizabeth Pozos-Radillo, María de Lourdes Preciado-Serrano, Juan Manuel Vázquez-Goñi
Ansiedad y Estrés, 2019, 25(1), 35-41
Effect of cognitive-emotional training on job satisfaction and burnout on nursing staff: A pilot studyRevision
Empathy and mindfulness as mentalizing factors intervening in the relationships between attachment and interpersonal sensitivity in women
Blanca Angulo, Ana Estévez, Leire Iriarte, Itxaso Troyas
Ansiedad y Estrés, 2019, 25(1), 42-48
Empathy and mindfulness as mentalizing factors intervening in the relationships between attachment and interpersonal sensitivity in womenBiomarkers in stress measurement: A systematic review
Luis Pedro Morera, Tomás Cristian Tempesti, Edgardo Pérez, Leonardo Adrián Medrano
Ansiedad y Estrés, 2019, 25(1), 49-58
Biomarkers in stress measurement: A systematic reviewVol. 25. Number 2-3 (July - December 2019)
Resilience and socioemotional competences as a preventive factor of anxiety in Mexican women
Isabel Alva Castro, Norma A. Ruvalcaba Romero, Mercedes Gabriela Orozco Solís, Héctor Rubén Bravo Andrade
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 59-65
Resilience and socioemotional competences as a preventive factor of anxiety in Mexican womenAn intervention based in mindfulness practices promotes emotion regulation and stress reduction in teachers
Paola D'Adamo, Mariana Lozada
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 66-71
An intervention based in mindfulness practices promotes emotion regulation and stress reduction in teachersDevelopment and validation of the Strategic Test of Emotional Intelligence (STEI) in the Spanish population
Pablo Fernández-Berrocal, Jose Martín Salguero, Desireé Ruiz-Aranda, Natalio Extremera, Raquel Palomera
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 72-78
Development and validation of the Strategic Test of Emotional Intelligence (STEI) in the Spanish populationDistress tolerance scale: Psychometric properties in a Mexican sample and its relationship with perceived stress and age
Mónica Teresa González-Ramírez, René Landero-Hernández, Lucía del Carmen Quezada-Berumen
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 79-84
Distress tolerance scale: Psychometric properties in a Mexican sample and its relationship with perceived stress and agePsychometric properties of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Inventory (GADI) for the assessment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Mexico
Ferran Padrós Blázquez, Diana Hurtado Izguerra, María Patricia Martínez Medina
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 85-90
Psychometric properties of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Inventory (GADI) for the assessment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in MexicoCognitive behavioral and psychoeducational intervention to modify coping styles and burnout syndrome in civil servants: An experimental study
Francisco Javier Rosas-Santiago
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 91-96
Cognitive behavioral and psychoeducational intervention to modify coping styles and burnout syndrome in civil servants: An experimental studyEmotional dependency and early maladaptive schemas: Comparative study between Spain and Colombia in couple relationships
Irache Urbiola, Ana Estévez, Paula Jauregui, María Perez-Hoyos, Nora Helena Londoño Arredondo, Janire Momeñe
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 97-104
Emotional dependency and early maladaptive schemas: Comparative study between Spain and Colombia in couple relationshipsInfluence of anger on competition level, sport success and professional athletes
Higinio González-García, Antonia Pelegrín, Alfonso Trinidad Morales
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 105-110
Influence of anger on competition level, sport success and professional athletesDaily childhood stress and factors related to academic learning as predictors of academic achievement
Marta Martínez-Vicente, José Manuel Suárez-Riveiro, Carlos Valiente-Barroso
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 111-117
Daily childhood stress and factors related to academic learning as predictors of academic achievementStandardization of the AF5 Self-Concept Scale in Colombian university students
Diana Marcela Montoya Londoño, Carmen Dussán Lubert, Victoria Eugenia Pinilla Sepúlveda, Aníbal Puente Ferreras
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 118-124
Standardization of the AF5 Self-Concept Scale in Colombian university studentsTest anxiety in nursing students: Emotional and sleep risk factors
Pablo Chust-Hernández, Elena Castellano-Rioja, David Fernández-García, Javier Ignacio Chust-Torrent
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 125-131
Test anxiety in nursing students: Emotional and sleep risk factorsSystematic Client Feedback: A naturalistic pilot study
Alberto Gimeno-Peón, Javier Prado-Abril, Felix Inchausti, Anxo Barrio-Nespereira, María Teresa Álvarez-Casariego, Barry L. Duncan
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 132-137
Systematic Client Feedback: A naturalistic pilot studyPerceived Stress Scale: Psychometric analysis from CTT and IRT
Cecilia Reyna, Débora Jeanette Mola, Pablo Sebastián Correa
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 138-147
Perceived Stress Scale: Psychometric analysis from CTT and IRTOriginals short
Structural validation of Social Support at Work Scale in Peruvians
Gustavo Calderón-de la Cruz, César Merino-Soto, Pamela Rosa Medina-Zuñiga
Ansiedad y Estres, 2019, 25(2-3), 148-154
Structural validation of Social Support at Work Scale in Peruvians