01338nas a2200205 4500000000100000008004100001260007600042653003000118653003600148653002900184653002600213100003300239700003900272245003000311300001200341490000600353520074500359022001401104020001401118 1996 d c07/1996bSociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés10aUniversity teacher stress10aCauses of stress and modulators10aManifestations of stress10aCoping and Prevention1 aMª África de la Cruz Tomé1 aMª del Camino Urdiales Valladares00aUniversity teacher stress a261-2820 v23 aThis paper shows the problems that affect the unibersity teachers due to the educational institution and the tasks that teachers must complete in it. First, we emphasize stress causing problems due to the conditions of the environment in which the professor accomplishes his tasks. We also consider that socialdemographic, personal and social variables as mediators in percieving the stress situations and the way to handle them. Second, we explain how stress expresses itself through physical, psychological and behavioral manifestations, as well as the consequences that are due to this disorder. Finally, we comment on some strategies to help combat stress for the university teachers, and we give some guidelines to help prevent stress. a1134-7937 a2174-0437