@article{660, keywords = {Perceived stress, Assessment, PSS-14, HIV, AIDS}, author = {Eduardo Remor and José A. Carrobles}, title = {Spanish version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14): Psychometric study in a HIV+ sample}, abstract = {The 14-items Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14; Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) has been proven to be very useful to assess perceived stress. The PSS-14 was designed to measure the degree to which situations in an individual’s life are appraised as stressful. The aim of this study is to assess psychometric properties of the PSS-14 scale in a 100 HIV+ Spanish sample. Data on sociodemographical, immunological, medical and psychological status (Anxiety and Stress) were taken into account. The reliability and validity analyses have been performed. Cronbach’s Alpha values are of 0.67. Concurrent validity, determined by correlation with the anxiety level and a 10 point scale of the level of “stress during the past month”, was high (p<0,001). Predictive validity for Anxiety [R2c=0,42; F=72,983; p=0,000] and for the 10 point scale of stress during the past month [R2c=0,28; F=40,349; p=0,000] was acceptable. It is concluded that PSS-14 is a substantially reliable and valid instrument in the assessment of perceived stress.}, year = {2001}, journal = {Ansiedad y Estrés}, volume = {7}, number = {2-3}, pages = {195-201}, month = {07/2001}, publisher = {Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés}, issn = {1134-7937}, isbn = {2174-0437}, }