@article{588, keywords = {Coping, Stress, Traumatic event, Emotional regulation}, author = {Miryam Campos and Darío Páez and Carmen Velasco}, title = {Coping and emotional regulation after the bombing of March 11th}, abstract = {A longitudinal study with N=1800 students and relatives (38%) apply a coping scale and Izard s DES or emotional activation one week alter March-Eleven, positive affect PANAS, rumination, reaction to M-11 traumatic event of 11-M (EGAS), self-esteem and personal control, Vaux s social support and UCLA s loneliness scale three weeks and two months after March Eleven. Predictive validity of coping items is contrasted by means of partial correlation between coping items and negative affect, positive affect, self-esteem and control and social integration criterion variables, controlling for the first week emotional arousal level. The longitudinal study show that direct coping, reappraisal and positive revaluation, and partially searching for social support coping strategies are functional. Avoidant, social isolation, rumination and helplessness coping strategies are related to high negative affect, low positive affect, low control, low self-esteem and low social integration - they are globally dysfunctional. However, direct coping, searching for social support and positive reappraisal are not related to low negative affect.}, year = {2004}, journal = {Ansiedad y Estrés}, volume = {10}, number = {2-3}, pages = {277-286}, month = {07/2004}, publisher = {Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés}, issn = {1134-7937}, isbn = {2174-0437}, }