@article{190, keywords = {Management, PIR, Specialty in Clinical Psychology, Sapanish National Health System, Human Resources}, author = {Xacobe Fernández-García}, title = {Situation of clinical psychology in the Spanish National Health System and grow perspectives}, abstract = {Introduction: The speciality in clinical psychology is the result of both health reform and the process of psychiatric deinstitutionalization. Since the democratic transition, the speciality has been progressively growing and settling. The purpose of this article is to carry out an analysis of the current situation of clinical psychology in the Spanish National Health Service (SNHS). Method: A review of several documents providing data on human resources in the SNHS was carried out. The results have been described and ratios and trends have been estimated. Results: A presence of 2,615 clinical psychology professionals (5.58 prof / 100,000 inhab) is estimated. Resident Intern Psychologist's (PIR) trajectory is presented in an ascending way and with a settlement similar to the rest of health specialties. Conclusions: PIR's training generates structural growth in the SNS. It is necessary to increase the ratio to a minimum of 12 prof / 100,000 inhab. Clinical psychology is a mature speciality that can propose and take new steps in its consolidation.}, year = {2021}, journal = {Ansiedad y Estrés}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, pages = {31-40}, month = {06/2021}, issn = {1134-7937}, isbn = {2174-0437}, doi = {10.5093/anyes2021a5}, }